While wandering the web in search of images related to Walpurgisnacht, I came across this contemporary artist who does papercuts in a silhouette style.
Her website doesn't tell much about her as an artist, but regarding her art, she sites Chinese papercuts as a source for inspiration. It is very evident, but her use of minute cuts to create white lines is also reminiscent of British white-line engravers and Greco-Roman pottery art. Her worlds are definitely of a fairy tale nature. Some seem like they may relate to stories that are familiar to us, or the stories are completely her own. I am especially enthused by the pieces that show foreground and background in the same frame and use land and filigrie to cut the image into sections. It is as if not all the parts of the scene are taking place at the same time - a style that could be used in sequential storytelling that I will definitely allow myself to be inspirred by without completely copying.
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All work copyright Karin Dickel-Jonasch